So, we get an insider tip that there could be some good trout fishing inside Komoka, close to the bridge. This is potentially amazing news, as we'd heard there was some limiting factors on them getting that far up the river.
Anyway, needless to say we're taking the information we've got and heading out Saturday morning.
One concerning suggestion was to have a fishing buddy tag along. Generally, this isn't a big deal, but Mark and I don't always get out together, and if this hole pans out to be good for trout, I'm going to be keen to get there often. The advice suggested that while the fishing buddy probably couldn't directly save your ass if it starts going down river, at least they can call for help. What?! I guess if it's not difficult, it's not fishing!
Finally, it'll be a bit of a sore point if this advice turns out to be true. We've been fishing that bridge for cats going on 4 or 5 years now! It always delivers fiesty cat fish once the sun goes down. If there's trout in the same neighbourhood, think of all the times we could have been sporting the evening away, and then slumming it with cats after dark!
Catfishing is not slumming it.