Friday, June 29, 2012

F You and the Bass You Rode In On

I took the day off because the kids had a PD Day and needed supervising.  We decided to hit a local hole and do some fishing. Well I did at least, the kids mostly played around the water. I got 4 bass (about 1lb each) and some micro perch.  The we caught on a tube dragged across the bottom and on worm on a perch rig.

It feels great to get some bass.

Basses, we don't  need no stinkin' basses.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Getting my Bass Kicked

On the Bas Opener I got my ass kicked.

I threw all different kinds of lures, all different presentations and all different locations. I had one nice bass on, but it threw the lure on a big jump.  That was the only bass sighting I had on the weekend.  Clearly I was in the wrong spots for hours and hours on Saturday and Sunday.

Weekends like that really kick your ass. Everyone I spoke to was getting shut out last weekend on the bass.

I did manage a white sucker on a Live Target perch down at Gibbons Park on Sunday morning.

I will soldier on and get back at it this weekend.

Carpe Carp.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fishing Report: Bass Closer

So, the bass opener was a bass closer! Mark and I hit a private pond, and then the river by the Highbury Bridge, and nothing. I had lots of little guys chasing my lures (they were quite interested in the Live Target 3-segment Blueback Herring which behaves much like the Storm Kickin' Stick), but nothing bit.

The private pond is intriguing though, and I'm camping close to it next weekend, so I might have to hit it again.

Mark continued on through the day, so his report might yield some afternoon success, or even Sunday as I'm sure he'll be out.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Weapons of Bass Destruction

This is what I'm packing for tomorrow. Starting at the top left going clockwise.

1. Tube for wacky-rigging worm.
2. Live Target - perch colouration.
3. Assortment of small and medium tubes.
4. Rockstar inline spinners.
5. Weights, hooks and jigs.
6. Worms.
7. Russian Lure - see posts from February.
8. Storm Kickin' Stick - perch colouration.

I'll let you know what works.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bass Opener

Bass Opener, the third holiest day of the year. (Easter, Christmas, Opener) It is the beginning of summer for me. It makes the end of the Scouting season. (I make sure we're done by opener) It is the day I begin fishing in earnest. My goal is to get out 100 times before Halloween. I've been out about 20 times so far, so I really need to hit it in the summer.

I have my new rod Charlene, my new lures #1, #2, my old stand bys. (tubes, inline spinners and worms)

The only questions is where to fish? The river is a little low but now within normal tolerances. Do I hit hit the North Thames? (In town, out of town) My old spot by the dog park on the South branch? There a new pond I was turned onto that I want to try. So many choices, so much guess work as to where the bass will be.

I might try and hit about 5 spots on Saturday and give no more than 45 mins at each unless the bite is on.

I'll post about where I fish and the success of each early next week.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Weekend Report

I only had a short time on Centre Island in Toronto on the weekend. We tried a number of location but nothing was happening.  At our last spot we saw a number of good sized carp (7lbs range) swimming along. They were not interested in feeding.

Next time out there, I'll make sure I have more time and a variety of baits.

It was a nice morning and the Jays game in the afternoon was awesome. I'll definately do it again, but I think I'd do a night game.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Weekend Fishing

The plan this weekend is to get out to Toronto early Saturday morning and take the ferry over to Centre Island. We plan on doing some carping over there and then catch the Blue Jays game at the Roger's Centre in the afternoon.

Hopefully we'll be able hook into some big Lake Ontario carp.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fishing Illegal in Toronto City Parks

For the full story which has been brewing form months, click this link.

June 6, Signs went up in Toronto City Parks
This is Toronto, not London. However, who's to say city hall won't do the same thing when they start redeveloping the downtown as they are planning right now.  This is an important fight, to make sure fishing rights are maintained everywhere. I encourage everyone to get involved with this battle. My thanks go out to those in Toronto, contacting the media, calling politicians and city staff. Please remember that...


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lack of Fishing

Well, it is that time of year again where the Scout programs wind down, so of course there is tonnes to do. Camping, camping, meetings, awards etc. So fishing will have to take a back seat until Bass opener, the third holiest day of the year behind Easter and Christmas. It was been over a week since I last fished and I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms. My prospects for fishing this weekend are almost none. Another meeting on Monday and busy with Scouts for the rest of the week. Maybe next weekend.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Secret Carp Bait

I like to fish for carp. I've caught them on a lot of different baits, but the one that always brings them in is bread. I work a small dough ball in my hand until it is a little sticky. Just use the white parts, the crust isn't as good. Cover the hook completely, or you can use a hair rig.

The secret ingredient I use on my bread is vanilla extract. A few drops in a sandwich bag with the bread will make the bread smell irresistible to the carp.

I like to use a perch rig with two hooks covered in bread. It takes a little while until the carp zero in on the bait.

Happy Carping